External photo of Winchelsea Office

Introducing Winchelsea’s new Office Administration Manager


If you‘re a Winchelsea local, you have probably already met Sue Lubcke, a long-standing and active community member.

We’re lucky to say that Sue has recently joined our Wincheslea office to manage our administrative processes. With over 14 and half years at the Community Bank (Bendigo Bank), and working on her family’s farm, Sue is highly efficient, supremely organised, and excels in customer relations.

Sue’s organisational skills provide her with the structure to ensure that tasks are completed efficiently and by the required deadlines while supporting her work colleagues and clients

In the office staff room, you will often see her with a roast vegetable quinoa salad or a home-made soup, and in her downtime, Sue loves to spend time with family and friends, going to the beach, gardening, and fishing.

Drop-in and say hi to Sue, she looks forward to greeting you on the phone or in-person in the near future.