Can’t remember receiving your PAYG/BAS paper forms?
Haven’t seen your PAYG/BAS paper forms for sometime or can’t remember the last time you received one…?
If you can’t remember the last time you received an ATO instalment notice for your PAYG and or BAS it might be prudent to check in with your accountant.
The ATO can sometimes change their method of communications without notify you. To confuse things even more the frequently your PAYG/BAS is due can vary from year to year as well: most taxpayers pay theirs quarterly, but others pay in lump sums once or twice a year, and businesses over a $20 million threshold pay it monthly!
Rather than be hit with a nasty big surprise invoice, it’s a good idea to stay on the front foot and be aware of your tax obligations well before they’re due or overdue.
If you’re not sure where you’re at with your ATO instalments or haven’t seen a instalment notice in some time let us know and we can check the status of it for you.